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Golden Week Holiday (Japan)
Dear customers, Amayama's Japan warehouse will not be accepting and shipping orders on 29th April and from the 3rd to 7th May due to the Golden Week holiday.
During the holidays period shipping of orders from Japan will happen on April, 30 - May, 2 and will fully resume on the 7th of May.

Cd changer att (din) for Honda Civic, 1.4IS, 0S100001 - 0S200000

Honda Civic, 1.4IS, 0S100001 - 0S200000
Engine: D14A4
Grade: 1.4IS
Transmission: 5MT
Options: 3D AB2 ABS HW LH PS
We cannot guarantee 100% compatibility. Contact us so we could check for you!
OEM Name / Details Req. Price from,